Cute Webkinz Puppy!
"The Beagle is my personal favorite. I have four kids ages 3 to 13 boys & girls. The 3 year old can only play with the stuffed animal and he feels like his siblings by having one, but he's too young for the website. My 7 and 10 year old use this the most and all their friends and cousins similar ages. The 13 year old boy isn't interested, but knows girls this age that are, but he's able to do trivia with them to get them more points. I myself as a mom like the solitare, trivia, and a bunch of other things. There is an educational value because the trivia gives you interesting information to go with the answer and it makes you think, along with other aspects of life. If you have an 8th grader, you may have heard of "second life". This is like "second life" but for younger kids, so my 8th grader says. The website was very creative.
Downside: The customer service at Webkinz on the site is very poor. You only get one year to use this website unless you buy another to extend it. If you buy another, it extends your account to one year from that day instead, so if you have many of these (my kids have 25+ each which they keep earning allowance to buy) close together in dates, you may get a 1 1/2 to 3 years or so out of it, which is long enough for this fad perhaps. Tamagotchi was their thing before this, but this is better than computer games and software and you can play other kids some games online in a safe manner. Only two of our webkinz have ripped open, and I sewed them, and the manufacturer didn't seem to care even though they were not abused and were practically new. They keep coming out with new animals or types of each animal. It's a great gift!"
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